It’s Never Too Late To Start

Jacky Wah
4 min readNov 8, 2020


No such thing is is too late. All you need to know is to start.

Walk down the path you will reach the unreachable boundary

When do you usually hear someone tells you it’s NOT too late to start? I doubt if you hear it ALL THE TIME!

Our life surrounded by lots of outer or inner voices constantly tell us you are “Too Late” to start because you are too old…. you can’t afford the risk that might cause you a fortune… you can’t compete with the young generation… so on and so forth. This can go on to a long list. But that’s not what I want to talk about. 2

What I want to talk about is to share how could you answer this question when someone tells you … “Hey, it’s too late for you to start changing your career now. Don’t waste your time! Are you out of your mind?”

Before diving deeper.

We Need To Understand In What Context People Say To You That It’s Too Late.

You are almost 30 years old, but you want to change of career.

This is very common. Turning 30 years old is always the age where most people have at least graduated from college/university, have a job, and work for several years in their career. Some even have established a family with 1 or 2 kids at home.

Easily you can see this is a predictable life path you have been told your entire life and seem to happen that way as a spell for most people. Now all of a sudden you decided to break the spell, it’s as if telling a 3-year old to write his/her name. It’s unreasonable and impossible.

To be more specific, “Imagine you are almost turning 30/40/50- year old, have a wife and kids, hold a manager or admirable position at your current job as an architect. Now you want to change your career to become a psychologist.”

Isn’t this insane? Most people will think you are out of your mind and probably too drunk to know what you are hallucinating. Why!?….. They don’t understand.

If you have this sort of thought lately or facing these circumstances, maybe you are changing a career that somewhat related or unrelated career or even you are still single, please do not give up! You can pursue your dream.

Here’s What You Should Do

  1. Always remember. NO skills or knowledge you have developed will go to waste even the realm of work you want to pursue is entirely different than what you are familiar with. So don’t worry.
  2. You should have a clear vision of why you want to change of career and how can you make a smoother and better transition into your ideal career. Knowing that you may have to spend more time than those who are already in the career longer than you. Meaning you need to work harder and efficiently in a shorter time. Follow your guts and vision, not what you have seen others perform. It’s your life, so plan the way you want to be.
  3. You should develop a stronger mindset and more positive energy to keep you motivated and fight. This is because we live in a society where people will easily look down on you and tell you only “NO”. Whether they are out of jealousy or pride. In the end, only you can eliminate the voices that stop you from moving forward.
  4. DO NOT focus on how to answer the question when you being asked! Please take note that you are in control of your life, others cannot and will not. Think about it this way. How many times when you face a difficult situation that your close friends or family will unwillingly help you? Well, your family will more like to help in a certain way, but friends? I doubt there are only small chances they will be able to help, perhaps to a certain extend.

To diversify the context a bit, simply from “Never Too Late to change of career to….. to married, to move abroad, to learn another language, even to have kids and divorce” There are all achievable just that it’s not easy. Time is not the issue, making an excuse is!

Of course. It’s easy to say than done. I can say…

“Hey, don’t waste your time, the time has passed and you are too late into the game.”

But, saying things like this doesn’t require responsibility. This is only speaking out loud and expressing feeling. So then, why should you care when people tell you it’s too late to start? Right?

In summary, I want to tell you and myself. If you want to change your life, not necessarily upside down, you should start making changes now or sooner! It’s now or never! Procrastination is not an excuse but it’s another topic for another day.

You are responsible for your own life, there are many ways to find your pursuit in life, listen to your voice and you will find it. Remember you have full permission and authority to design your life the way you want as long as you are happy. That all it matters.



Jacky Wah
Jacky Wah

Written by Jacky Wah

Blogger. Creative Thinker/Designer. Currently in Vancouver, Canada. New to Medium and excited to share my stories with you. Visit

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